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2021 EMMY Award winner Cinematographer.

Based in Los Angeles and Barcelona, with over 25 years’ experience.

Born and raised in Barcelona.

The blank spaces between the lines of text in a screenplay that fill you with emotion, or the silence between musical notes which actually ends up making you want to dance … that is how you could describe Pablo Diez’s photography. Shadows illuminating the darkness and colors filling every sensation. The search for light born of the emotion contained in every story.

"Don't stop pedaling and you won't lose your balance".

Member of:

AEC (Spanish Society of Cinematographers)

IMAGO (International Federation of Cinematographers) 

Local 600 (International Cinematographers guild)

Spanish ACADEMY of Motion Picture art and sciencies 


"Pablo is poet with a camera, crafting verses of light and shadow that flow seamlessly across the screen. His ability to tune into the emotional rhythm of a story and transform it into stunning, unforgettable visuals is outstanding. Whether sculpting the tension of a high-stakes moment or delicately capturing the fragile beauty of a character's inner world, Pablo elevates each scene into something special. What truly sets Pablo apart is his collaborative nature. He listens with the care of an artisan, contributes with the precision of a craftsman, and approaches challenges with a pause, followed by a smile... Even on the toughest days, he brought energy and optimism to the set, turning the call sheet into an achievable reality and creating a space where creativity could thrive. His artistry left a lasting imprint on the visual identity of Turn of the Tide". ( Pablo es un poeta con una cámara, que crea versos de luz y sombra que fluyen sin problemas por la pantalla. Su capacidad para sintonizar con el ritmo emocional de una historia y transformarla en imágenes impresionantes e inolvidables es excepcional. Ya sea esculpiendo la tensión de un momento de gran importancia o capturando delicadamente la frágil belleza del mundo interior de un personaje, Pablo eleva cada escena a algo especial. Lo que realmente distingue a Pablo es su naturaleza colaborativa. Escucha con el cuidado de un artesano, contribuyendo con precisión y artesanía, aborda los desafíos con una pausa, seguida de una sonrisa... Incluso en los días más difíciles, trajo energía y optimismo al set, convirtiendo la hoja de la orden del día en una realidad alcanzable y creando un espacio donde la creatividad podía prosperar. Su arte dejó una huella duradera en la identidad visual de " Rabo de Peixe " )

"Pablo is a cinematographer that adds value to all aspects of the production. His powerful visual style and narrative skills really help expand the directors’ vision to its full potential. He truly understands the logistics of filmmaking and serves as a key figure in sustaining a healthy psychological mood in the crew with his relaxed temper and positive attitude no matter how challenging the process might be. He’s a win win, creatively and humanely talented". ( Pablo es un director de fotografía que agrega valor a todos los aspectos de la producción. Su poderoso estilo visual y sus habilidades narrativas realmente ayudan a expandir la visión de los directores a su máximo potencial. Realmente entiende la logística de la realización cinematográfica y es una figura clave para mantener un estado de ánimo psicológico saludable en el equipo con su temperamento relajado y actitud positiva sin importar cuán desafiante pueda ser el proceso. Pablo es una apuesta segura, creativo y humanamente talentoso. )

"Pablo is one of the best Director of Photography I have ever worked with. He always brings something new to projects, with his great aesthetic taste and his technical and artistic knowledge. He knows how to fit into the production and above all into the story.. All the Directors want to repeat with him. And so do I!" (Pablo es uno de los mejores Directores de fotografía con los que he trabajado. Siempre aporta algo nuevo a los proyectos, con su gran gusto estético y su conocimiento técnico y artístico. También se adapta a la producción y sobretodo a la historia. Todos los Directores/as quieren repetir con él. Y yo también!)

"Working with Pablo Diez feels like attending a masterclass every time. He is a true master of storytelling through light and composition, effortlessly conveying deep emotion in every frame. His remarkable talent, coupled with his ability to create stunning art while staying within budget, is both inspiring and deeply appreciated.” (Trabajar con Pablo Diez es como asistir a una clase magistral cada vez. Es un verdadero maestro de la narración a través de la luz y la composición, transmitiendo sin esfuerzo emociones profundas en cada cuadro. Su notable talento, junto con su capacidad para crear arte asombroso sin salirse del presupuesto, es inspirador y profundamente apreciado)

© 2020 Pablo Diez, AEC. Cinematographer.

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